Color | Formula | Hypothetical Energy Balancing Description |
RED | R=I, G=0, B=0 | Balances Energy for circulation, chronic illness, strengthens kidneys, heart, muscles, blood, lungs, bones. |
ORANGE | R=2x I/3, G= I/3, B=0 | Balances Energy for depression, cramping anywhere in body, relaxant, sclerosis, heart disease, boosts immune system, circulation, raises blood pressure. |
YELLOW | R= I/2, G= I/2, B=0 | Balances Energy for digestion, stomach, gall bladder, liver, immune system, fortifies endocrine and nervous systems, helps chronic to become acute. |
GREEN | R=0, G= I, B=0 | Balances Energy for liver, swelling or growth, anti-inflammatory, gout, diabetes, promotes healthy bones, painful joints, allergies. |
TURQUOISE | R=0, G= I/2, B= I/2 | Balances Energy for immune system, skin, mental relaxation, acidic, fortifier, regulates lung/large intestine systems. |
BLUE | R=0, G= 0, B= I | Balances Energy for Anti-bacterial, anti-infection, anti-cramping, headaches, facilitates restful sleep, pain relieving, nervousness, insomnia, hemorrhage, herpes, warts, lowers blood pressure, fever. |
VIOLET | R= I/2, G= 0, B= I/2 | Balances Energy for for menopause, spleen, sedative, relaxant, lymphatic relaxant, anti-viral. |
MAGENTA | R= I/3, G= 0, B=2xI/3 | |
OLIVE | R= I/2, G= I/2, B=0 | |
WHITE | R= I/3, G= I/3, B= I/3 | |