Artifact Scan
Have you ever felt that your emotions are just beneath the surface, waiting to be gently uncovered and understood? You are not alone, and this space is here to support your journey. Welcome to artifactRELIEF, where emotional wellness meets innovation. This revolutionary collection is designed to help you connect with your inner self and discover the emotions that long for your attention. Each artifact in the collection is thoughtfully created to guide you toward self-awareness and emotional clarity. Equipped with advanced technologies like NFC, QR codes, and Bluetooth, these tools invite you to explore your emotions in a safe and empowering way. Using your smart device, simply activate the internal sensors to unlock a compelling story—a narrative crafted to provide the insight and the relief you need. Let artifactRELIEF be your companion on this meaningful journey to emotional balance, peace and wellness.
How does work?
Before you begin, it's beneficial to seek permission and align your subconscious by inviting higher dimensions assistance. As you proceed, let feelings of love and gratitude accompany your quest for answers.
Start by taking a few deep breaths in a safe isolated place further away from any distractions. Inhale for a few seconds, hold your breath briefly, then exhale with a sigh. Adjust the intervals for inhaling, holding, and exhaling to your comfort level. Certain users find that the following breathing patterns work best for them:
Create a mental entanglement with your avatar artifact. In order to do that, imagine a slowly growing sphere starting from your heart. Once the sphere includes the avatar artifact the synchronization has been achieved and the growth stops. This comes handy during the relief process when different techniques are applied on to the avatar.
With the entanglement in mind, hold the synchronized artifact for a few seconds and let your subconscious position the artifact different each time when you scan for answers. For the dodecahedron select one facet, for the train one car, for the deck one card and for the orb one rotation angle. You will need to scan the selected surface with your Android NFC enabled phone or alternatively to read the QR code printed on with your IOS phone/tablet camera or with any Windows device with an attached camera. For the Orb the internal bluetooth interface will send automatically the selected 3D position. Once established, your smart device will decode the artifact and will display the hidden answers you are looking for.
Find the affected Meridian or Chakra
After randomization, Scan/ Read your artifact. For a major TCM meridian reveal, lunch the scan/read modal window by clicking launch button:
For those who believe in revealing the chakra in need of balance, lunch the scan /read window by clicking launch button:
The surface scan reveals a major TCM meridian or a Chakra. The new found meridian or chakra indicates the energy balancing work direction and re-synchronizes your inner self for the next stage. This step is essential for the emotional RELIEF.
Reveal Emotions
Randomize again. Lunch the scan/read modal window by clicking the launch button:
The scanned selected surface unveils the hidden confined emotion aligned with the previously identified major TCM meridian.
Delve Deeper
Should we delve deeper into the confined emotion revealed by the last scan? Let's inquire about its timing, nature, location, cause, and resolution method. We'll also ask whether it originated within ourselves or was absorbed from another entity. Randomize again and let your subconscious pick one. Lunch the scan/read modal window as many times is required by clicking the following button:
For esoteric answers to your questions launch the Keynote Scan by clicking the following button::
Release emotions
Take control of your wellness by releasing the identified confined emotion with care and precision, ensuring that no projection, harm, or resonance occurs. For optimal results, please use the our interactive concept to unequivocally release the confined emotions.
After the Identification, make a mental note of the emotional package or the issue that ails you. This becomes the target, at which you "aim" the RELIEF.
Setup modes, options and the user manuals are available for each artifact by clicking this hyper-linkScale
Think about, imagine and establish a before level of the ailing emotional package or issue intensity, by assigning a number to it, on a 0 to 10 SUDS scale, where 10 is the worst the issue has ever been, and 0 is no problem whatsoever. This serves as a benchmark, so we can compare our progress, after each round.
The simplest method of Release for the dodecahedron, photonic train, the cards deck or Orb is moving the mini magnetic dodecahedron companion back and forth along the avatar major TCM Governing meridian. To get more info on how is done click the next button:
For those who have the photonic train, the cars have to be aligned with the lights along the governing meridian, click the next button for details:
For advanced release and for those who have the talking cube, there are several methods available. Check each by clicking the following link:
Take a moment and feel the RELEIF after a deep breath. Re-establish the SUDS scaling process to record the progress done in lowering the initial issue bothering level.
Randomize the artifact and scan it. Find out if you have to repeat and release another concealed emotion. If the web page displays WAIT, that means that the subconscious needs time to process the current emotional release and the somatic procedure may be attempted at a later time. Otherwise it is time to enjoy the next RELIEF and restart the process from the step 4. Lunch the scan/read modal window as many times is required by clicking the following button:
After the whole process is finished, do not forget to untangle. Imagine the heart sphere shrinking back to the original form leaving the avatar/artifact outside its radius. In this simple way the avatar/ artifact synchronization is dissolved and the entanglement is no more.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Anger is often felt in the head or chest.
- Disgust is typically felt in the mouth and stomach.
- Sadness tends to be felt in the throat and chest.
- Anxiety is commonly felt in the chest and gut.
- Shame is often felt in the face and chest.
- Happiness is spread throughout the body
- muscle tension or tightness
- a feeling of heaviness or tiredness
- a “lump” or choking sensation in the throat
- aching or pain
- nausea or “knots” in the stomach
- bruxism, or teeth grinding
- irritable bowel syndrome
- fibromyalgia
Another way in which emotions can cause physical symptoms is through somatization. This is when emotions “convert” into physical symptoms. These symptoms are real, but the cause is psychological and not a disease as often misdiagnosed.
In other situations, expressing feelings is more difficult. This can be for a variety of reasons. A person may feel shame or guilt about their emotions or what caused them. Alternatively, they might be afraid of their feelings, or simply be unaware of them.
Research on helping people to work trough these types of emotional distress focuses on body responses as well as the mind. They approaches are known as somatic experiencing or psychosensory, and scientists found evidence that this kind of strategies may have positive effects. EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), BRWT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy), Heavening (range of touches on the upper body involving counting, visualization, and eye movements), TTRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises), EC (Emotion Code) are just a few of these techniques. The one presented here as the emoDeck technique is a combination of cutting edge technologies, ancestral cards magic and special psychosomatic sensory exercises to identify, release and "burn off" subconscious confined emotions.
In a different train of thoughts, unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to energy healing, postulates that with any type of magnet waived over the TCM Governing Meridian an energy transfer will facilitate the release of concealed emotions.